Tag Archives: Web Page

6 Ways to Speed Up Your Site

Feb 24, 2014

The load time of websites is one of the most important factors affecting its usability; most Internet users will just skip a site altogether if..

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PHP function to get current web page

Nov 06, 2013

PHP function to get current web page full URL & current page name. Sometimes, you might want to get the current page full URL. Here..

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Cut your website load time on mobile

Aug 12, 2013

In this day and age time is of the essence, especially when it comes to browsing the Internet. We all want if not need the..

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how to align web page to center

Apr 23, 2012

A website leans to look more balanced when it’s centered on the monitor, instead of clinging to the left side with lots of white space..

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How to Add Photos or Images to

Mar 29, 2012

Adding HTML code for images to your web page can really improve its look and feel. You can even edit image properties to cover your..

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Find out – How to Add HTML

Mar 14, 2012

Adding HTML code for images to your web page can significantly improve its look and feel. You can even edit image properties to enfold your..

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